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Rolling Dough

Hand made and packaged, small batch artisnal foods

Introducing our delicious Honey Butters, a custom blend of smooth Irish butter and natural honey infused with fresh flavors.


Packed in either a 3oz or 6oz  glass jar, these butters are perfect for spreading on toast, rolls, and even cinnamon rolls!


With a variety of flavors including


  • Cinnamon Honey Butter
  • Orange Vanilla Honey Butter
  • Bourbon Brown Sugar Butter


there's a perfect option for every taste preference.


Treat yourself to a delightful combination of sweet and creamy with our Honey Butters, a delightful addition to any breakfast or snack.

Honey Butters

PriceFrom $6.99
Excluding Sales Tax |

    ©Great Biscuit / Malinda Julien 2023


    a division of Julien & Lambert, LLC

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    Next to Julien & Lambert Photo, corner of McLeroy and S Hampshire.

    100 S Hampshire Street,  Saginaw, Texas  76179

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